The glue that keeps it all together
“Ask Yazz and cc Tim” or “See if Tim knows, but make sure you keep Yazz in the loop too” are just two variations surrounding a common theme of as Yazz puts it: ‘chasing answers for my team.’ While Tim O’Neill’s technical title is Project Manager and Yazz Crawford’s title is Senior Project Coordinator, there are a lot of varying responsibilities and tasks associated with each role. They keep things moving and they keep each other in check.
Yazz celebrated 10 years at Epoch in May of 2024 and Tim celebrated his eighth year. As long-standing employees who most recently started working closely together, they’ve seen a lot! Daily, they work hand in hand with the core vendors we rely on to take our communities from concept to concrete and completion. This two-person team will go through project plans and packages with a fine-tooth comb to make sure we haven’t overlooked details down to trash receptacles in the outdoor amenity space or dryers for the dog spa. They even review changes in architectural files to confirm what is the final amenity package, paint scheme and square footage of each floor plan. In addition, Yazz tracks accounting tasks, accounts and vendors.
Even though Tim and Yazz work very closely together their roles do overlap with IT and Marketing. As an example, IT comes into play when setting up TVs, computers, data lines and the Wi-Fi Network at new properties, while Marketing gets its core information from Tim and Yazz around floorplans, elevations, site maps, site plans and amenity packages. They truly act as the glue keeping it all together!
When asked, “What has been your favorite Epoch project so far?” Yazz stated, “I would have to say Republic Place was my favorite project, we had very little issues and I learned a lot which helped me move up in my role at Epoch.” Yazz started as a temp in October 2013 and became an official Epoch employee in 2014 in Texas and while she still lives in Texas, her role has grown tremendously, and she does make visits about once a month to keep a close eye on things. Tim stated Veere and Kestra were his favorite projects due to the location, podium slab design and amenities such as the oversized barn door and glass railings.
Tim and his wife are about to be parents to their third child, finally a boy! While Yazz and her Husband have four kids and five grandkids. While Tim may seem quiet on the surface, don’t let that fool you; he is enthusiastic about his work, dedicated and thorough. Yazz is a true -go-getter and has a special way of getting things over the finish line and done! Epoch is grateful for their continued support and pride in the work they do!